スタンプインク「そらまめ」:Stamp ink pad "SORAMAME"





● 用途:コットン、リネンなどの布、木材(無塗装)、普通紙、和紙、皮革(未加工=ヌメ革)、素焼き(テラコッタ)など
● 乾燥:布はアイロンで定着させてください。木材、素焼きの場合はドライヤーの温風で乾燥させてください。
● エンボス加工:紙では可能ですが、布では不可です
● 布の場合、木綿の適温で15秒以上が目安で、これより低温の場合耐洗濯強度が弱くなります。
● 靴下など、凹凸の多いもの、目の粗いもの、毛羽立ちやすいもの、毛足の長いもの等には不適です。ご注意ください。

These stamp ink pad sets each contain four colors, with nine sets in total.
Each set contains complementary colors that have been hand selected by Tomoko Tsukui.
As a result, for those who are unsure which colors to choose for a given project, each set can be used confidently to create a perfectly balanced color pallete in your next artwork.
The individual color names themselves are traditional Japanese words that were used in characterising kimonos, flowers, and birds some 500+ years ago.
For example the "Shinbashi" color, which is a district in Tokyo, was the colloquial name used to describe kimonos fashioned from material of this color.

These inks can be used on both fabric and paper, and have water resistant qualities in both applications (for fabric, please iron for 10 seconds first).

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The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥10,000 will be free.

  • 郵便/クリックポスト


    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥250
  • Yamato Transport

    Your delivery status can be checked online.

    Shipping Fees are the same all over country inside Japan ¥1,020

*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥10,000 will be free.


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